Excel - Chewy Mints

An image of a colourful brick wall, with three poster ads for Excel Chewy Mints posted on top. Each poster features a minty blue background and the headline "Mints Made for Chewers" alongside an enlarged photograph of a well-chewed item.


Introduce Excel’s new product format, the Chewy Mint, while helping it stand out against their existing options.

Creative solution

There are gum people, and there are mint people. But in between, we found a sweet spot (no pun intended): the opportunity chewers. Folks who bite when choosing dinner options, or take a nibble while sitting an exam. For them, there’s Chewy Mints. As refreshing as a traditional hard mint, without the marathon jaw workout of a piece of gum.

And for these people, we created an out of home campaign that spoke directly to their urges. We took to the common victims of opportunity chewers—pen caps, pencils, straws—and used extreme macro photography to turn them into heroes.

Awards and Publications

Lürzer's Archive feature - Issue 6/2017
Astral Media feature - Fall 2017 Creative Review

The campaign was a favourite of the client’s, and ended up being re-run in Toronto markets into 2024.


Out of home, Creative concepting

An ad for Excel Chewy Mints. It features a minty blue background, a well-chewed pencil, and the headline "Mints made for chewers."

Special Installation

Working with Astral Media, we created a special placement to speak to dedicated chewers during that chewiest of times: Exam Season.

Positioned near the University of Toronto, the specially-crafted 3D chewed pencil caught attention from students prepping for finals.


Copywriter: Matt Prokaziuk
Photographer: Shanghoon
ACDs: Chris Booth, Joel Pylypiw

Excel - Chewy Mints

Excel - Chewy Mints ✦